This note is to back up our telephone conversation (2/5/67) in which I requested you to prepare our recommendation as to how the AGC should be used during the simulated translunar injection maneuver on AS-503. It’s certain the crew will want to monitor the progress of this large SIVB maneuver, even though it’s controlled by…
Category: Translunar injection
C’ Communication Loss
A lot of work is going into the subject contingency – with respect to:…
GDC required for TLI
In reference to your November 18 memo to me in which you state that the Gyro Display Coupler (GDC) is required to be operable for commitment to TLI, I would like to assure you that current C’ mission rules reflect this requirement. It is agreed by everyone I have talked to that redundant attitude reference…
C’ Mission Techniques
Attached are a list of ground rules and working agreements I compiled from my notes taken at the September 13 and 14 Mission Techniques meetings and the September 20 Lunar Abort meeting, all on the C’ mission. This list is far from complete. Basically, these items are only the changes and additions to the material…
Data Priority meetings schedule
In order to get a little bit more orderly in our conduct of the Trajectory Control Data Priority business, it’s evident that we must schedule meetings on a pre-established, periodic basis. Accordingly, the Ascent and Descent meetings will take place on alternate Tuesday afternoons; Rendezvous meetings will be held of Wednesdays, one mission in the…
Crew familiarization and training for TLI
During our many discussions on the need for command module steering of the S-IVB during TLI, a potential crew familiarization. training problem became apparent. Specifically, even if the P-15 CSM TLI Steering is retained, it is not obvious that it will be possible to make the AMS faithfully reproduce the attitude excursions which may be…
Operations required for communication loss on F and G are sure better than on C’
I think we have pretty well established how to handle a communication loss situation on the F and G missions. In effect, we have defined which Block data must be sent and what onboard cis-lunar navigation needs to be carried out. In both cases, of course, it is possible to cut back substantially from the…
No special spacecraft computer programs are to be developed for AS-208B and AS-503
The decision has bean made by the Apollo Program Manager that unique computer programs need not be developed for missions AS-208B (LM) and AS-503 (CM). This decision was brought about due to concern that effort on these programs would affect development of the main line programs. It is certainly consistent with numerous other actions taken…
Use of DPS for lunar mission aborts
The other day Carl Huss and some of the flight Analysis Branch people gave an internal briefing on Apollo aborting procedures for the lunar landing mission starting with the translunar injection (TLI) maneuver. One thing that impressed me was the large number of situations in which dependence is given to using the Descent Propulsion System…
Spacecraft guidance for TLI
(2-18-69) After yesterday’s meeting/on the F mission, I have had some second thoughts and prompting by others about using the spacecraft guidance and platform for S-IVB TLI. The following summarizes my position and is to be used as policy in FOD….