TRW Systems released the AS-207/208 Preliminary Spacecraft Reference Trajectory during the first week of May. This report was put together on a compressed schedule, starting from rather hastily defined mission requirements. As a result, there are a number of things about it which were recognized as being in error even before release; however, since we…
Year: 1966
Spacecraft computer program requirements for AS-207/208, AS-503, and AS-504
On May 13 and 14, 1966, a flock of MSC people met with MIT people in Boston to discuss the spacecraft computer program requirements for missions AS-207/208, AS-503, and AS-504. This memorandum is probably one of several on the subject you will be getting in the near future. My main purpose is to describe the…
CSM orbit determination using the LEM radar
Apparently it is planned to use the LEM radar while that spacecraft is sitting on the lunar surface to determine the CSM’s orbit. I am told that the radar angle data accuracy is so poor it will not even be used; the command module’s orbit determination will be carried out with range and range rate…
Apollo spacecraft computer program development newsletter
There are a number of us who feel that the computer programs for the Apollo spacecraft will soon become the most pacing item for the Apollo flights. This is certainly likely to be the case for AS-207/208, by which time spacecraft, and booster delivery and Cape operations are likely to have become relatively routine, with…
Spacecraft computer program status report
Tom Gibson and I went to MIT on May 25 and 26 with one of our primary objectives to determine exactly what the program schedule situation was for the AS-504 (AS-207/208) spacecraft computer programs. Although we had a number of very fruitful discussions with MIT people, such as Ed Copps, Dick Battin, John Dahlen, and…
Apollo spacecraft computer programs–or, a bucket of worms
Well, I just got back from MIT with my weekly quota of new ulcers, which I thought might interest you. We spent one day discussing the AS-204 situation, another on AS-501 and AS-502, and the third day primarily on crew procedures associated with the LEM lunar rendezvous crew timeline. I will give you my impression…
Another Apollo spacecraft computer program status report
This is another of my gripping reports on the status of the Apollo spacecraft computer programs and associated matters based on my weekly visit to MIT on June 28 and 29….
No special program available for targeting the CSM plane change in lunar orbit
As I understand it, it is currently planned to make a plane change with the CSM in lunar orbit within the last several revolutions prior to LEM ascent. The purpose of this maneuver is to optimize the sharing of maneuver (propulsion) requirements between the CSM and the LEM….
Determination of relative CSM orbit
Jim, this is just a reminder of conversations with you and Emil about a job I’d like your people to do. In thinking more about this orbit determination task wherein the LEM determines the CSM orbit while sitting on the lunar surface, I wonder if perhaps MIT has lost sight of our primary objectives, thus…
Apollo rendezvous guidance computer program options
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you of two special features of the Apollo spacecraft rendezvous guidance computer programs you may not be aware of since we just added them to the system….