This memo is to backup our phone call notifying you of the review of the Saturn V/Apollo Launch Phase Abort Mission Techniques Document to be held Thursday, October 3, 1968, at 1:00 p.m. in Building 4, Room 383. At that meeting we will thoroughly discuss the attached draft of that document, as it applies to…
Category: Earth orbit insertion
Data Priority meetings schedule
In order to get a little bit more orderly in our conduct of the Trajectory Control Data Priority business, it’s evident that we must schedule meetings on a pre-established, periodic basis. Accordingly, the Ascent and Descent meetings will take place on alternate Tuesday afternoons; Rendezvous meetings will be held of Wednesdays, one mission in the…
Apollo spacecraft computer program newsletter
Christopher C. Kraft has a Joint Program Development Plan meeting at MIT on February 12. I would just like to pass on to you a couple of things that were interesting to me….
Apollo Mission Techniques Documentation Schedule
Here is another Mission Techniques Documentation Schedule, since the last one is three months old and barely reflects real life any more. The Lunar Orbit Activities Document will almost certainly have to be updated to reflect whatever we learn on the F mission. A June 30 release date for that update will be kinda late,…
F/G Mission Techniques – except for the lunar orbit phase – are ready to eat
Some of the decisions and open items that came out of our F/G Mission Techniques meetings in late January are listed in this memo. Basically, I would say that all mission phases aside from the lunar orbit activity are very well understood at this time – primarily as a result of the C’ mission -…
Some decisions regarding lunar landmark tracking on the F and G missions
We had an Ad Hoc Mission Techniques meeting on January 9 to talk over lunar landmark tracking. In particular, we wanted to discuss what we thought had been learned from the C’ mission and what we want to do on the F and G missions. This memo is to outline all that briefly. The specific…
“C” Rendezvous W-Matrix
This memorandum is to inform everyone in writing that MIT has now agreed with MPAD that it is acceptable to use the same values of the W-Matrix when reinitializing (after three marks of the last batch of marks between NSR and PTI) as are used initially. That is, it is not necessary for the crew…
No special spacecraft computer programs are to be developed for AS-208B and AS-503
The decision has bean made by the Apollo Program Manager that unique computer programs need not be developed for missions AS-208B (LM) and AS-503 (CM). This decision was brought about due to concern that effort on these programs would affect development of the main line programs. It is certainly consistent with numerous other actions taken…