Upthread: AGC program for AS-501/502 – Final status report (Nov 03, 1966)
Downthread: Small program change needed in the AS-501/502 AGC program (Nov 25, 1966)
See listNOV 14 196666-FM1-151FM/Deputy Chief, Mission Planning and Analysis DivisionGround rules for MIT man loading for AGC programming
This is really for my own records, but in case you are interested, we presented the following ground rules to MIT with Bill Kelly's (ASPO's MIT Contractual Officer) concurrence. These ground rules were to cover the work they are doing in revising their man loading estimates for contract negotiations which are coming um in the next couple of months covering their work for calendar year 1967.
1) Unique programs, both hardwire and erasable, are required only for:
a) AS-204, AS-206, AS-207, AS-208, AS-208B LM
b) AS-501, AS-503 CM, AS-504 LM, AS-504 CSM
2) Aside from AS-208B (i.e., AS-278B), no special programs are currently planned for any backup or contingency missions.
3) Although follow-on flights are scheduled, no unique hardwire programs are to be developed in their support.
4) However, for scheduled missions not listed above, it is recog- nized that work is required of MIT which must be man loaded, such as:
a) Generation and verification of erasable memory.
b) Update of documentation.
c) Additional verification and perhaps error analyses associated with differences in the mission plan from that for which the program was originally developed.
d) Etc.
5) MDRP action is certain. MIT shall man load to support this activity, defining the extent to which they plan to be able to respond; i.e., number and complexity of MDRB's anticipated per mission.
6) No AAP or EXPO (e.g., AS-504C) missions are included in the man loading.
7) It is recognized that a number of missions will be transferred from main line Apollo to AAP or EXPO which will require programming support from MIT. This work will be covered by contract changes based on negotiations with MIT at a later date.
Incidentally, Larry Fry and I made a rough estimate of the probable de- crease of the MIT Proposal as a result of deleting AAP effort from the original proposal. It came out to be in the order of $500,000. We are also doing a certain amount of trimming in other areas which may yield up to another $500,000 or so, but I expect that will be about the limit.
- Aug 03, 1967 – Deep serious trouble (5.8σ)
- Jan 09, 1967 – Uplink will be on LM-4 (3.0σ)