We’ll try to clean up the rest of the “C” mission open items at a meeting on Friday, July 19, in Room 2032B of Building 30. Retrofire and Reentry will be discussed in the morning, starting at 9 a.m., and Rendezvous in the afternoon – or as soon as we finish the Retrofire session. Attached…
Category: Reentry
C’ Communication Loss
A lot of work is going into the subject contingency – with respect to:…
501/502 state vector update requirement
During the 501 operation apparently there was no question as to whether state vector updates would be sent. But I gather there may have been some question as to how important they are. This will probably just add to the confusion, but I thought I might redistribute the attached memos written last January which stated…
State Vector Update Criteria for AS-501
Because of the decision to utilize the AS-502 Apollo Guidance Computer programs for the AS-501 mission, the mission was designed and developed on the premise that the state vector updates __would__ be made. ���������� this, the situation exists that a __perfect__ launch vehicle spacecraft combination __without__ guidance or propulsion errors of any kind will land…
State vector update situation for AS-501 and AS-502
The AS-501 and 502 missions have been designed to update the state vector (position and velocity) in the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) with a state vector from the Manned Spaceflight Tracking Network (MSFN) prior to the Saturn (S-IVB) out-of-orbit burn and again prior to the second Spacecraft Propulsion System (SPS) burn. If these updates are…
Some assumptions about Spacecraft 101 retrofire and reenty procedures
We have recently held several small Trajectory Control Data Priority Working Group meetings dealing with Spacecraft 101 retrofire and reentry. The results are being documented to show how the various guidance and navigation data sources will be compared to one another and used during the mission. During these discussions a couple of basic assumptions have…
Transearth midcourse maneuvers are getting easier and cheaper all the time
On June 6 we had a Transearth Midcourse Maneuver Mission Techniques meeting at which we discussed implementation of the philosophy as described in my June 3 memo. The technique proposed, you recall, involves making a number of small RCS burns using the SCS, solely for the purpose of corridor control. I have discussed this with…
Apollo 13 Mission Techniques are in good shape
On December 5 we had what I expect to be our last full-blown Mission Techniques meeting for Apollo 13. This memo is to tell you about it….
C’ Mission Techniques
Attached are a list of ground rules and working agreements I compiled from my notes taken at the September 13 and 14 Mission Techniques meetings and the September 20 Lunar Abort meeting, all on the C’ mission. This list is far from complete. Basically, these items are only the changes and additions to the material…