Upthread: Computer program requirements for AAP (Apr 22, 1967)
Downthread: AAP CSM Computer Program Requirements meeting (Jan 13, 1970)
See listMAY 4 196767-FM1-37FM/Deputy ChiefInvitation for an AAP spacecraft computer program requirements shindig
On April 20 we had our first meeting to establish spacecraft computer program requirements for the AAP missions. Sufficient time will soon have elapsed to permit substantial progress on the action items issued at that meeting making it worthwhile to gather again. Accordingly, you are invited to attend such a meeting at 9:00 a.m., May 18 in Room 3037 of Building 30. Based on these discussions, it is expected that the Flight Software Branch of the Flight Support Division will prepare a first draft of formal program requirements to be used by MIT and MSC in laying out the AAP program development work.
For some reason beyond my recall, we failed to discuss the AAP lunar mission involving the CSM/LMSS combination proposed to back up the first Apollo lunar landing mission. Therefore, I propose we remedy this oversight at this same meeting and suggest you come prepared for that, too.
- Jan 13, 1970 – AAP CSM Computer Program Requirements meeting (4.4σ)