FA/Director of Flight OperationsOCT 19 196767-FM-T-89FM/Deputy ChiefK-start tape briefing
1. George Low had his monthly briefing by G&C yesterday, October 16, a part of which I attended. One subject reviewed for him was the development of K-start tapes for the spacecraft computers. They es- pecially addressed the definition, scheduling, checking and actual manufacture of the K-start tapes required for guidance system testing at AC (for acceptance), North American and Grumman. Emphasis was on these K-start tapes since it is these the Guidance & Control Division is responsible for.
2. I should think he, and you too for that matter, might be interested in the same subject for the K-start tapes used to initialize computer memory for the mission itself. Here the prime responsibility is within FOD. In addition to the considerations noted above, such a briefing should include procedures for making changes within the last few days prior to launch.