See attached listJUL 27 196767-FM-T-48FM/Deputy ChiefConfiguration control of the spacecraft computer program for 504 is imminent
1. This note is to inform you of our current plans regarding final definition of the CSM and LM spacecraft computer programs for the lunar landing mission – Colossus and Sundance. It is anticipated that MIT will mail the complete Chapter 4 of the Guidance System Operation Plan (GSOP) on July 26. This is the chapter required by John Dahlen and Jim Nevins giving the sequence of operations. We will distribute copies of this as soon as they are received for review during the following two weeks. A gigantic Software Control Panel meeting will be scheduled for about August 15, 16, and 17, although hopefully it won't take that long, to go through the entire GSOP for both the command module and LM answering all questions and discussing all inputs, comments, requests for changes, etc., in short, to establish an MSC position on this documentation. MIT, North American and Grumman will be invited to participate. In the following week a (hopefully) smaller group will go to MIT for two or three days starting on August 22 to provide final technical direction to MIT which will put the GSOP's under configuration control. That is, after that time changes will have to be individually approved by the Software Control Panel. At the same time, we will hold our computer memory storage review and will trim the programs down to acceptable size if necessary. And it is almost certainly required in the LM.
2. As you know, it is our intention to fly all manned LM flights with Sundance—although some of the processors which are required only for the lunar landing missions may not be completely checked out in the ropes used on the earlier earth orbital missions. The point is the LM program used for the earth orbital missions will be defined and controlled by this GSOP.
- May 23, 1967 – Spacecraft computer program names (3.9σ)
- Oct 19, 1967 – K-start tape briefing (3.8σ)