Mr. H. W. Tindall, Jr. (FM)10 July 196868:7252.9-49R. J. Boudreau, Task Manager Task ASPO 46CPGNCS Alignment During Hohmann Transfer
The attached IOC presents an analysis which estimates the increase in the probability of an unsafe AGS abort if the PGNCS alignment during Hohmann transfer is not performed. The analysis shows that given that PGNCS fails, the probability of an unsafe AGS abort from hover is increased by less than 0.001 (one additional violation of the 30,000 feet minimum pericynthion con- straint in 1000 cases). The increase in probability of an unsafe AGS Abort over the range of times an abort is possible will be even less than the above value.
The small increase in the probability of an unsafe AGS abort should be worth the operational gains of eliminating the PGNCS alignment during the Hohmann transfer.
Very truly yours,
- Jul 12, 1968 – AGS Performance with no PGNCS Alignment During the Homann Transfer (Task 46) (9.8σ)