FM6/Floyd BennetAUG 28 196767-FM-T-65FM/Deputy ChiefDelete DOI thrust program, P-61
This is a reminder of the action item you picked up at the lunar landing GSOP review August 17. It was our desire, you recall, to delete the DOI prethrust/thrust program, P-61. It seemed at that time that it should be possible to make this small maneuver using the external Δ V targeting from the ground, particularly if a descent engine thrust of 30 or 40% could be used. You better assume it will be deleted unless we hear advice to the contrary from you.
- Sep 11, 1967 – Mission rule for TPI – ground or onboard (6.2σ)
- Aug 28, 1967 – Is display of max g in P-61 any good? (4.5σ)
- Aug 28, 1967 – Goodies affecting the RTCC gleaned from the 504 GSOP meeting (3.2σ)