FM4/Chief, Mathematical Physics SectionDEC 15 196767-FM-T-122FM/Deputy ChiefSome lunar landmark tracking questions
1. Associated with lunar landmark tracking with the command module optics, I have two comments and/or questions. First, I talked over our decision to delete this activity with Chris Kraft and he was relatively noncommittal. However, with regard to my comment that landmarks to the west of the landing site would be in darkness, thus invisible, he said he has looked at the moon a couple of times recently and said th??? with the naked eye, he could distinguish the characteristics from here on Mother Earth. The moon was one-quarter illuminated by the sun and the rest by earth shine, not dissimilar to a lunar landing situation. He was convinced that landmarks would be visible even in this kind of darkness. What do you think of that when you take into account the site and character of the landmarks we would have to use for navigation purposes?
2. The second item is with regard to the Lunar Orbiter photos on the back of the moon and those near the limb on the front side. Is it possible that landmarks useful for navigation may be located with sufficient accuracy from these photographs for use on navigation?
3. And one other thing that has been bugging me, that is, I realize that landmarks near the limb are hard to locate in longitude but I should think latitude accuracy would be as good as anywhere else and, for orientation of the orbital plane, latitude is the thing we need. I wonder if people took that into account when selecting them.