Upthread: Eighth and Ninth “C” Mission Rendezvous Mission Techniques meetings (Mar 27, 1968)
Downthread: Results of “C” Mission Rendezvous Review meeting – April 22, 1968 (Apr 26, 1968)
See list belowAPR 17 196868-PA-T-82APA/Chief, Apollo Data Priority CoordinationStatus evaluation meeting – “C” Mission Rendezvous
As most of you are probably aware, we have a special “C” Mission Rendezvous meeting scheduled for April 22, starting at 9:00am in room 966 of Building 2. This memorandum is to define its purpose as I understand it. It is also to inform you that another somewhat related meeting which had been scheduled or April 25 regarding CSM Rendezvous navigation is to be incorporated into this Monday's meeting.
2. Considerable trouble has been experienced by the flight crew during rendezvous simulations on the Cape AMS. Review of Sundisk test results has also uncovered some problems in that computer program. A series of new program tests have been designed and MIT, FOD, and others are in the process of carrying them out. Workaround procedures have been proposed for these known program deficiencies. At his April 9, Software Configura- tion Control Board meeting, Mr. Kraft requested that I set up a meeting to determine what the situation really is and where to go from here. It is to determine if new Sundisk ropes must be made. Which, if any, work- around procedures should be adopted; to review the test results and determine if additional testing should be carried out and where, etc. It is my hope we will settle on some positive recommendations at this meeting to propose to the Apollo Spacecraft Software Configuration Control Board on April 23. Anyone that has anything to contribute in this area is invited to attend and participate. It is very important that we get these things settled once and for all, if possible, since time is growing short.
3. The meeting previously scheduled for April 25 is somewhat related and certainly requires participation by many of the same people, particularly MIT. Accordingly, it seemed logical to reschedule that meeting immediately following the one discussed above. Its purpose is somewhat different. Specifically, it has become evident that the operational people, Crew and Flight Control, do not understand very well how the sextant rendezvous navigation works and how well. This meeting was set up in hopes that we could discuss this process in non-mathematical terms to give some intuitive insight into how it works. In addition, we wanted to review the results of the extensive analysis carried out by various organizations, specifically the extent of the trajectory dispersions and systems ???? ?????? which have been investigated and the results of how well it performs. The the better the operational people who will be involved in the actual flight understand the system, the better the chances are they will operate it correctly.
4. It is not clear how long it will take to go over all these things, so we are prepared to spend all of Monday plus Tuesday morning, if it turns out to be necessary. I hope you or your people will be able to join us.
- Apr 08, 1968 – Sextant Rendezvous Navigation Review (6.1σ)