See list attachedFebruary 26, 196969-PA-T-36APA/Chief, Apollo Data Priority CoordinationReview of the Launch Phase Abort Mission Techniques Document for Missions F and G
1. References:
MSC Internal Note No. S-PA-8T-026, “Apollo Mission Techniques Saturn V/Apollo Launch Phase Aborts, Techniques Descriptions,” dated October 22, 1968.
2. A review of the subject document is scheduled for March 14, 1969, at 9 a.m. in Building 4, Room 378. The purpose of this review is to discuss launch phase abort techniques which have changed significantly since the publication of the referenced techniques document, which had been written specifically for C' and D. The following list defines the major revisions:
a. Modification to the COI maneuver and expanded capability.
b. Use of a launch vehicle performance envelope for an abort cue.
c. Use of the exit heating limit as an abort limit.
d. Incorporation of the steerable LV manual capability to the abort techniques.
3. It is hoped that all groups associated with this area be represented to expedite this review. Draft copies will be available at the meeting.