Upthread: Results of the June 25 Apollo Spacecraft Configuration Control Board (ASCCB) meeting (Jul 01, 1968)
Downthread: Results of September 17 Apollo Spacecraft Software Configuration Control Board (ASSCCB) meeting (Sep 23, 1968)
See list attachedJUL 26 196868-FM-T-170FM/Deputy ChiefAGS program changes
On Thursday, July 25, Guidance and Control personnel met with Mr. C. C. Kraft, Chairman of the Apollo Spacecraft Software Con- figuration Control Board (ASSCCB), to discuss and obtain direction regarding what to do about the AGS computer programs starting with FP-6.
Since the cost is apparently negligible, it was concluded that they should go ahead with the changes described in AGS SCP nos. 42, 44, and 45, which were on the agenda of the July 23 ASSCCB meeting. They are primarily clean-up items that don't influence the AGS design capability.
In addition, it was decided to incorporate the new rendezvous radar filter which, of course, means that the CDI and CDH targeting programs must be eliminated. I think that everyone agrees that this was a very important thing to do, if it was possible, since without the new radar filter, the AGS performance can be unacceptably poor. FP-6 will be available to support an August 1969 launch date.
Incidentally, in case you weren't aware of it, FP-5 which supports the Mission “E” launch date has the altitude update at beginning of hover incorporated in it. This simple change greatly increases the probability of safe pericynthion in the event of a late descent abort.
I would recommend that Math Physics Branch review the new RR filter immediately if they haven't already, since it's being implemented now.
- Oct 25, 1968 – CSI and CDH back into the AGS – maybe (4.4σ)
- Jan 11, 1968 – AGS/PNGCS incompatability review – Chapter One (4.0σ)