See list attachedDecember 6, 196868-PA-T-266APA/Chief, Apollo Data Priority CoordinationC’ Abort Maneuver Overburn Monitoring
In response to a C' Mission Techniques action item, Rick Nobles informs me that they have established the burn monitoring procedure to guard against overburn during any non-nominal C' maneuver. As a standard procedure the crew should manually shut down the SPS as soon as the duration of the burn exceeds the nominal value by one percent and the EMS ΔV Counter indicates an overburn of one percent over its nominal reading. The nominal value of burn time and ΔV Counter eading are included in the PAD messages and block data relayed from the MCC-H for all abort maneuvers. (Current Mission Techniques Documentation reflects this procedure.) It is to be emphasized that this overburn monitoring procedure is only for the non-nominal maneuvers and does not apply to TLI, LOI, and TEI for which specific techniques have been developed.
- Feb 05, 1969 – Two-stage LOI looks good after C’ (4.7σ)
- Nov 07, 1968 – C Prime Maneuver Monitoring Mission Techniques into cement (3.6σ)
- Jul 09, 1968 – Good news on “C” mission SPS burns (3.6σ)