See listAUG 30 196666-FM1-103FM/Deputy Chief, Mission Planning and Analysis DivisionAutomatic rendezvous braking maneuver
As you know, MIT is currently designing the command module and lunar module computer programs without provision for automatic braking maneuvers. There has been some thought to reversing this direction. However, Don Cheatham, Aaron Cohen, and I agreed today to proceed as we are for the AS-207/208 programs–that is, do not provide automatic braking maneuvers in the computer programs–since we are fairly sure that this capability should not be required for that flight. We will review this decision later for the AS-504 programs, based on experience gained during the AS-204 mission and from crew training and simulations, after more complete crew procedures are defined.
- Sep 21, 1966 – There are differences in the descent guidance programs on AS-503 and AS-504 (3.6σ)