See list attachedJUL 26 196868-PA-T-172APA/Chief, Apollo Data Priority Coordination“D” Rendezvous Mission Techniques meeting of July 22
1. We cleaned up a lot of stuff at the subject meeting. Attached are updated “Ground Rules, Working Agreements, and other things,” and another list of open items to be discussed at our next meeting currently scheduled for September 6, 1968, or whenever the crew is available after that.
2. One facet of this business that has become extremely critical involves how to do rendezvous navigation! The tracking schedule overwhelms and influences everything else the crew is doing. It is essential that it be established immediately along with W-matrix initialization procedures – whatever that is – taking into account the rendezvous radar thermal control required, etc. If all this changes much from that which has been assumed to be proper, crew training – among other things – will be severely impacted. Accord- ingly, a Rendezvous Navigation Mission Techniques Panel is being established to concentrate on this and get it all squared away. I have attached to this memo a “charter” which explains exactly what they are to do and lists the specific people assigned to do it. Anyone who can help these guys are requested to do so – particularly with regard to those rendezvous radar thermal constraints. Those are really going to screw us, I'm afraid.
Enclosures 3 Rendezvous Navigation Mission Techniques Panel Charter and Composition Working Agreements, etc. Open Items
- Jun 25, 1968 – “D” Rendezvous Mission Techniques Ground Rules, Working Agreements, and other things (5.7σ)
- Sep 12, 1968 – D Rendezvous Mission Techniques Meeting – September 9, 1968 (3.5σ)