FS55/T. F. Gibson, Jr.APR 18 196767-FM1-30FM/H. W. Tindall, Jr.Proceed button
Looks like we're approaching the final chapter in the proceed button story. As I understand it, all manned Apollo spacecraft will have computers wired such that the standby button serves the dual purpose of standby function, as before, and a proceed function duplicating Verb 33 Enter. At least, that is the current intention. Apparently there is some little uncertainty remaining on the first manned command module mission – Spacecraft 101 – in that Raytheon may not deliver the computer in time and an old, unmodified one might be used. However, as I understand it, there is no disadvantage in fixing the program such that it will respond to the standby button as noted above even though the computer has not been modified. If not, I see no reason for not going ahead with the change in the computer program immediately rather than waiting to see if Raytheon will deliver on time. MIT is checking this, aren't they? – and will follow up with the necessary MDRB.
- Jan 10, 1967 – Significant modifications currently planned in the Apollo Spacecraft Computer Programs (3.6σ)
- Sep 21, 1966 – Mission rules needed for use with AGC self-check (3.6σ)