June 18, 1968…
“D” Rendezvous Mission Techniques Ground Rules, Working Agreements, and other things
On June 14 we cranked up the “D” Rendezvous Mission Techniques activities again. It was a grueling profitable day. In fact, we had such a good time we’ve scheduled another one for July 12….
Attention worthy Descent Program Anomaly
Gene Kranz brought the attached G mission LUMINARY Anomaly Report to my attention. I have no idea how he happened to find it amongst all the more insignificant ones. No one else seemed particularly aware or concerned about it, but I wanted to bring it to your attention….
Recommendation for DAP mass properties initialization and update requirements
This memorandum is written to present recommendations for simple mission rules for updating the Apollo DAP data load mass properties and engine trims. Both the Flight Control Division and Flight Crew Support Division have recently requested information in this general area….
DAP mass properties initialization and update requirements
This memorandum is to bring to your attention the recommendation of the Guidance and Control Division regarding DAP mass properties initialization and update requirements which are laid out in the attached memorandum….
C’ Communication Loss
A lot of work is going into the subject contingency – with respect to:…
TRW performance evaluation for Task A-46
I don’t know if other people have the same problem as I do—maybe Task A-46 is unique—but so help me God, I cannot think of anything productive to write in those blank spaces on the performance evaluation form month after month. So, I am sending this form back with a blank overall numerical rating and…
AGS Software Documentation
Reference: Memorandum from CA/Director for Flight Crew Operations to FM/Howard W. Tindall, Jr., “AGS Software Documentation”, dated January 18, 1967….
Descent engine gimbal polarity error
A serious misunderstanding between MIT and Grumman resulted in a situation which would have been catastrophic to the AS-206 mission if it had not been discovered. Specifically, the direction the LM descent engine gimbals move when commanded by the spacecraft computer was opposite to the way they were supposed to. Upon discovery of this, Grumman…