References: (a) LTX 500-52, Courseen to Young, 23 March 1967…
Contract NAS 9-4065, Letter of Direction Concerning Program Development
This letter is to modify your contractual obligation to provide a unique spacecraft computer program for use on the first manned LM mission (formerly designated AS-208). This change in direction is brought about by the slip in the launch schedule for that mission, which makes it probable that sufficient time is available to complete the…
Rope manufacture for AS-502
This note is to inform everyone that the AS-502 spacecraft computer program ropes will be made precisely the same as those for AS-501. Specifically, it is MIT assembly Solarium 55. You recall Solarium 54 was our original AS-501 A-release, but it was necessary to make a modification in one of the rope modules to correct…
Spacecraft computer program – things dealing with lunar descent and aborts from it
I spent an interesting morning at MIT on May 16 with George Cherry, Dan Lickly, Norm Sears, and Craig Schulenberg talking about Luminary how it works and some things that really haven’t been defined yet. It primarily dealt with lunar descent and aborts from lunar descent….
Data requirements during rendezvous sequence
The purpose of this memorandum is to establish a requirement for high bit rate (HBR) telemetry data during the mission “C” rendezvous sequence….
LGC program development for AS-278B
This note is intended to document my understanding of the situation with regard to the spacecraft computer programs for the alternate AS-278 mission. In particular, I would like to record how we are responding to the current programming needs in this area….
GDC required for TLI
In reference to your November 18 memo to me in which you state that the Gyro Display Coupler (GDC) is required to be operable for commitment to TLI, I would like to assure you that current C’ mission rules reflect this requirement. It is agreed by everyone I have talked to that redundant attitude reference…
501/502 state vector update requirement
During the 501 operation apparently there was no question as to whether state vector updates would be sent. But I gather there may have been some question as to how important they are. This will probably just add to the confusion, but I thought I might redistribute the attached memos written last January which stated…
State Vector Update Criteria for AS-501
Because of the decision to utilize the AS-502 Apollo Guidance Computer programs for the AS-501 mission, the mission was designed and developed on the premise that the state vector updates __would__ be made. ���������� this, the situation exists that a __perfect__ launch vehicle spacecraft combination __without__ guidance or propulsion errors of any kind will land…
State vector update situation for AS-501 and AS-502
The AS-501 and 502 missions have been designed to update the state vector (position and velocity) in the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) with a state vector from the Manned Spaceflight Tracking Network (MSFN) prior to the Saturn (S-IVB) out-of-orbit burn and again prior to the second Spacecraft Propulsion System (SPS) burn. If these updates are…