The capabilities described in the attached EA memo, same subject, were will coordinated throughout MSC leading to the present situation, which as far as I can determine is acceptable to everyone. No associated action is requested of you….
LM propulsion of the LM/CSM configuration as an SPS backup technique
The question of using LM propulsion in a LM/CSM configuration has recently been the subject of detailed review. Control system studies, both inhouse and at GAEC, have contributed to that review. Because of the current interest in the LM propelled docked configuration and its guidance and control systems, a review of the studies performed in support of the system development effort has been made. The present memorandum is intended to summarize the results of those studies….
Procedures needed for the AS-503 TLI maneuver
This note is to back up our telephone conversation (2/5/67) in which I requested you to prepare our recommendation as to how the AGC should be used during the simulated translunar injection maneuver on AS-503. It’s certain the crew will want to monitor the progress of this large SIVB maneuver, even though it’s controlled by…
Lunar Landing Guidance and Control Modes
What’s descent all about?
As a result of some stirring around within NASA on how the various guidance and control systems are used during descent, George Cherry of MIT took it upon himself to write a complete description of the capabilities that exist and how they may be used. Without doubt, this is the finest, briefest, most readable description…
Another meeting about trajectory control on the first manned Apollo mission (S/C 101)
As you may have heard, we had the first of the Trajectory Control Data Priority Panel meetings last Thursday, August 31. My original intent was to go through the four major exercises on the Spacecraft 101 mission involving the Guidance & Propulsion Systems at that meetint but time did not permit discussion of more than…
Lunar Rendezvous Mission Techniques
A number of people who know about the rendezvous radar (Myron Kayton, Richard Broderick, etc.) came to our little Lunar Rendezvous Mission Techniques meeting October 2 and assuaged our anxieties regarding the possibility of poor shaft angle measurements when the line-of-sight to the command module passes close to the lunar horizon. According to the data…
Comments on IMU compensation procedures
Attached is an MIT memo I thought you should see. It proposes that the MCC update the gyro compensation terms in the spacecraft computers whenever they are detectably wrong. One benefit, of course, is the possibility of eliminating a bunch of IMU alignments. But more important, it keeps the system right….
Reduction in Number of P52 Alignments During Apollo Missions
References: 1. RAPSIC Memo 2. Apollo 10 Flight Plan, March 12, 1969…
“C” Mission Clean Up
We’ll try to clean up the rest of the “C” mission open items at a meeting on Friday, July 19, in Room 2032B of Building 30. Retrofire and Reentry will be discussed in the morning, starting at 9 a.m., and Rendezvous in the afternoon – or as soon as we finish the Retrofire session. Attached…